Public Employee Retirement System
The San Dieguito Union High School District participates in CalPERS (California Public Employees Retirement System) as a retirement plan for its Classified Service.
CalPERS is a defined benefit plan. Employees whose work week is 20 hours or more are automatically enrolled in the plan and make tax-deferred contributions through payroll deductions. The District also contributes to the plan on behalf of the employee.
The pension benefit amount is derived by a combination of the number of years worked in CalPERS covered employment, the employee's age at retirement, and the employee's highest compensation year. Minimum retirement eligibility is age 50 with 5 years of CalPERS qualifying service.
Employees who leave service with the District and are not eligible to retire can consult with CalPERS to transfer their contributions into other, eligible tax-deferred options, or withdraw the funds after paying the taxes and a penalty for early withdrawal.
For more details and to contact PERS, follow the link on this screen.