Sometimes a specific event happens or a situation is going on in life and a person just needs need more information to address it. These are resources from outside of SDUHSD that can help to guide your response or help you to find further support.
What Are Social Emotional Resources?
Emotional resources are those assets and skills within us that people can use to take care of themselves.
Social resources are support systems, other people, institutions and professionals that people may rely on to help in times of need.
Specific Resource Areas
Specific Resource Areas![]()
Building Resilience
Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress—such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors. As much as resilience involves "bouncing back" from these difficult experiences, it can also involve profound personal growth. (APA Resilience)
Coping & Stress Management
Stress is generally considered as being synonymous with distress and dictionaries may define it as “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension” or “a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.” Thus, stress was put in a negative light and its positive effects ignored. However, stress can be helpful and good when it motivates people to accomplish more. Increased stress results in increased productivity – up to a point, after which things go rapidly downhill. However, that point or peak differs for each of us, so we need to be sensitive to the early warning symptoms and signs that suggest a stress overload is starting to push you over the peak. (American Institute of Stress)
Coping strategies refer to the specific efforts, both behavioral and psychological, that people employ to master, tolerate, reduce, or minimize stressful events. Two general coping strategies have been distinguished: problem-solving strategies are efforts to do something active to alleviate stressful circumstances, whereas emotion-focused coping strategies involve efforts to regulate the emotional consequences of stressful or potentially stressful events. Research indicates that people use both types of strategies to combat most stressful events (Ref: UCSF MacArthur SES & Health)

Below are a few practical steps to maintain your health and decrease stress:
- Set priorities - decide what must get done and what can wait, do the fastest/easiest items first and learn to say no to new tasks if they are putting you into overload.
- Note what you have accomplished at the end of the day, not what you have been unable to do.
- Exercise regularly - just 30 minutes per day of walking can help boost mood and reduce stress.
- Schedule regular times for healthy and relaxing activities.
- Explore stress coping programs, which may incorporate apps, mindfulness, yoga, or other gentle exercises.
- Stay in touch with people who can provide emotional and other support. Ask for help from friends, family, and community to reduce stress due to school, work burdens or family issues.
- Recognize signs of your body's response to stress, such as difficulty sleeping, being easily angered, feeling depressed, overwhelmed, and having low energy.
- Avoid dwelling on problems. If you can't do this on your own, talk to a trusted adult.
- Seek help from a qualified mental health care provider if you are overwhelmed, feel you cannot cope, have suicidal thoughts, or are using drugs or alcohol to cope.
Ref: Psychology Today
Coping Strategies
- 10 Ways to Cope with Stress
- 40 Healthy Coping Skills
- 50 Ways to Take a Break
- Alphabet of Coping Skills and Interventions
- Healthy Ways to Handle Life's Stressors - APA
- Potential Coping Strategies & Worksheet
- SDUHSD Virtual Calm Room
Stress and Anxiety -
Both are emotional responses, but stress is typically caused by an external trigger. The trigger can be short-term, such as a work deadline or a fight with a loved one or long-term, such as poverty, discrimination and chronic illness. People under stress experience mental and physical symptoms, such as irritability, anger, fatigue, muscle pain, digestive troubles and difficulty sleeping.
Anxiety, on the other hand, is defined by persistent, excessive worries that don't go away even in the absence of a stressor. Anxiety leads to a nearly identical set of symptoms as stress: insomnia, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, muscle tension and irritability.
Both mild stress and mild anxiety respond well to similar coping mechanisms. Physical activity, a nutritious and varied diet, and good sleep hygiene are a good starting point, but there are other coping mechanisms available.
If your stress or anxiety does not respond to these management techniques, or if you feel that either stress or anxiety are affecting your day-to-day functioning or mood, consider talking to a mental health professional who can help you understand what you are experiencing and provide you additional coping tools. (American Psychological Association)
- Understanding Anxiety Anxiety and Depression Association of America
BIPOC Resources
BIPOC is an acronym that stands for Black, Indigenous, and people of color. (SAMHSA)
Research on the psychological underpinnings of racism shows that when people of color experience racism, discrimination, and/or microaggressions—whether personally, vicariously, or collectively—it affects both their mental and physical health. These experiences can lead to racial trauma or race-based stress whether these threats present themselves in the form of harm and injury, humiliating and shaming events, or witnessing racial discrimination directly. Making structural change and building resilience on an individual and community level in response to these stressors is essential to collective well-being. (American Psychological Organization Advancing EDI)
Selected Resources
AAPI – A variety of AAPI resources, data, and support including
- Asian American Health Initiative Resource Library (Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services)
- Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
- Mental Health and Substance Abuse Resource Guide (Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations)
- National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association
- National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse
Union of Pan Asian Communities https://www.upacsd.com A non-profit that provides mental health services focused on improving the overall well-being of underserved diverse populations.
- Black Mental Health Alliance https://blackmentalhealth.com/
- Wellness for Boys & Men of Color https://brotherbewell.com/
- Center for American Indian Health Johns Hopkins
- Center for Native American Youth
- San Diego Indian Health Center
Adolescents and Grief Adolescents respond to loss and process grief differently than younger children and adults. The Dougy Center states it this way, In our work with teenagers, we've learned that teens respond better to adults who choose to be companions on the grief journey rather than direct it. We have also discovered that adult companions need to be aware of their own grief issues and journeys because their experiences and beliefs impact the way they relate to teens.
- San Diego Grief Support - Elizabeth Hospice
- Grief Resources - The Dougy Center
- Caring for Yourself as You Grieve
- Common Reactions to Grief
For Families
- Talking with Teens about Death for Parents
- Tips for Supporting Grieving Teens
- Teenagers & Grief
- Ways that Adolescent Grief is Different
- Tips for Caregivers
- Parent Booklet: After a Loved One Dies Guidance for parents and other caring adults on how to support grieving children, available in nine languages.
Sudden or Traumatic Loss
Immigrant, Newcomer & Refugee Resources
There are several organizations that can help families access legal documents, housing, food, and public assistance.
- 211 San Diego
- Alliance for African Assistance
- Refugee Services - Catholic Charities
- International Rescue Committee
- Jewish Family Services
- Resources for California’s Immigrant Communities
- Response to Immigration
- SD County Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs
- San Diego Rapid Response
- SDCOE Special Populations
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement
Students may have specific social-emotional needs based on their gender identity or orientation. Research shows that LGBTQ+ youth may suffer from disparate rates of bullying and harassment, depression, suicidal ideation, and substance abuse. This increased risk is often the result of, and in reaction to, negative environmental stressors that LGBTQ+ and gender non-conforming youth face in their schools, homes, and communities. Recent research also shows that youth suffering from such health risks are at greater academic risk than other youth. (Reference: SDCOE - WestEd, CA Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) SDUHSD and Biennial State CHKS, California Department of Education (CDE) March 2019)
Supports for LGBTQ+ Students Presentation to the Board - June 20, 2024
- LGBTQ+ Resources: Region 9 – Southern CA Department of Education
- North County LGBTQ Resource Center
- San Diego County Office of Education
- Supportive Families, Healthy Children - English/Chinese/Spanish
- Trevor Project 1-866-488-7386/Text Us: 678-678
Mental Health Supports
Mental Health means having good ways to deal with your feelings and how to enjoy life, even when things are hard. Just like physical illness, people can experience a mental illness anytime. You may hear people describe mental illness as a mental disorder, neurological disorder or a mental health challenge. Having a mental illness can change how you think, feel or act. It can sometimes make it harder to do the things you want to do. Just like when your body is sick and you go to a doctor, someone with a mental illness can go to a mental health professional. (Ref: Walk In Our Shoes)
Resources | Find Referrals or Treatment |
Self Injury Resources
Understanding Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) - NSSI refers to the deliberate destruction of one's body tissue (e.g., cutting, burning, bruising) without conscious suicidal intent and has a lifetime prevalence of 12-25% among adolescents, with 4-7% reporting ongoing NSSI. Approximately one quarter of these youth repeatedly self-injure. (Reference: National Association of School Psychologists)
While it might not always be possible to make the causes of pain disappear, there are other ways to express strong emotions and to relieve the pain that do not include harm, some examples are:
- writing down any feelings on a piece of paper and rip it up or just rip up any paper
- punching a pillow or kick or hit a ball
- doing something physical like walking, running or skating
- holding something very cold or warm
- changing your surroundings
- doing something to make a lot of noise - go somewhere and scream, pound on a drum
- calling up a friend and talk - not necessarily about self-harm
- keeping a journal or diary
- meditating and breathing deeply or doing a grounding exercise
- listening to music, dancing or jumping around
- painting or drawing
- talking to a counselor
- 146 Things to Do Besides Self-Harm - Adolescent Self Injury Foundation (ASIF)
- 15 Things to Do Instead of Self-Harming - Psychology Today
- SDUHSD Virtual Calm Room
If you suspect someone is suicidal, please follow the steps on the Suicide Prevention page.
Substance Use Prevention
SDUHSD is committed to prevention and intervention in adolescent use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD).
Per the Center for Disease Control, adolescent substance use can do the following:
- Affect the growth and development of teens, especially brain development.
- Occur more frequently with other risky behaviors, such as unprotected sex and dangerous driving.
- Contribute to the development of adult health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and sleep disorders.
The earlier teens start using substances, the greater their chances of continuing to use substances and developing substance use problems later in life. When teens begin drinking at an early age, they increase the chance of becoming addicted to or continuing to abuse substances later in life. (Ref: CDC Teen Substance Use)
- Find Treatment Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- Prevention and Early Action DrugFree.org
- San Dieguito Alliance for Drug Free Youth
- Talking with Your Teen
- SAMHSA Parent Resources
- Teens and Drugs: 5 Tips for Talking With Your Kids - Harvard Health
Parent/caregiveR Resources
Parent/caregiveR Resources![]()
Parent/caregiveR Resources
- SDCOE Caregiver Wellness Offers information on recognizing signs of stress, engaging in joyful activities, taking a self-compassion break, and creating a web of support - including a link to the National Parent Helpline: 1-855-4A PARENT (1-855-427-2736) available Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. to get emotional support from a trained Advocate and become empowered and a stronger parent.

- CA BrightLife Kids for Families (ages 0-12) BrightLife Kids is for any family living in California with kids 0-12 years old. Parents and caregivers can turn to BrightLife Kids for peer support and expert advice on how to handle behavioral challenges while teaching resilience, problem-solving, and communication. Kids benefit from resources and coaching that teach them how to manage worries, how to express big feelings like sadness, anger, or frustration in healthy ways, and how to navigate complicated or confusing social situations.
SDUHSD partners with CareSolace, a confidential online resource with a live 24X7 concierge line (888) 515-0595 meant to assist individuals in finding local mental health-related programs and counseling services. It is available for use by San Dieguito families at no cost. To use Care Solace, individuals answer basic questions to receive a list of referrals to applicable care providers. Care Solace takes into account all types of private insurance including Medi-Cal, Medicaid, and Medicare and those with no insurance. Care Solace does not require a user’s name, address, phone number, or date of birth. All of the information that is entered on their platform is confidential and stored securely.
The San Dieguito Union High School DIstrict's website, at times contains some content that is supplied by third parties and users. Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, or other information or content expressed or made available by third parties, including information providers, users, or others, are those of the respective author(s) or distributor(s) and do not necessarily state or reflect those of San Dieguito Union High School District. These external links are provided purely as resources for educational purposes and SDUHSD does not endorse any specific external agencies/services. These resources do not replace the need for medical or psychological intervention. If you are in need of more help, please reach out to a counselor or medical or mental health professional. If you need immediate help, text TALK to 38255 to anonymously speak with a trained counselor 24/7 or visit these 24/7 Support Resources. In an emergency, call 911.