Student Supports
As identified in the Local Accountability Control Plan, SDUHSD addresses school climate factors including increasing school connectedness to positively impact student well-being and achievement. Professional learning is provided in student engagement and support for staff members including bullying prevention, restorative practices, and suicide prevention.
We are focused on the outcomes of
- creating safe, welcoming, supportive schools and classrooms
- building resilience and healthy coping strategies and the ability to process emotions
- providing students and families with information about supports and resources, including how to seek help if needed
School Teams, including counselors, school social workers, school psychologists, teachers, and administrators are available to support students during the school day. Each school participates in ongoing work to support students such as counseling, interventions, Student Study Teams, groups, and other school-wide strategies to promote student connectedness and well-being. Please visit school sites directly for contacts, events, and more information.
Parent and Community Involvement includes staff, parents, and community groups through advisory councils, school site councils, liaisons, memorandums of understanding, parent presentations, principal coffees, surveys, and safety and wellness teams. A district advisory group that included a parent representative from each site worked collaboratively with leaders on topics for the district to address in providing parent education and resources around safety, wellness, and social-emotional learning.

SDUHSD offers Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) addressing social-emotional needs where all students receive universal support school-wide, and some students receive further layered supports to supplement the universal offerings.
California Assembly Bill 2022 requires schools to notify pupils and parents or guardians of pupils of how to initiate access to available pupil mental health services on campus or in the community. Many families will begin with their health insurance for physical and mental health referrals. There is further information about Healthy Families and Medi-Cal for Families as well as Voluntary Student Accident Insurance as part of Enrollment from Health Services.

Student privacy rights and confidentiality are respected. Specific exceptions to confidentiality exist in which school staff must inform others of information obtained from students in order to prevent harm to students themselves or others, and if it is legally required.
In addition, SDUHSD partners with CareSolace, a confidential online resource with a live 24X7 concierge line (888) 515-0595 meant to assist individuals in finding local mental health-related programs and counseling services. To use Care Solace, individuals answer basic questions to receive a list of referrals to applicable care providers. Care Solace takes into account all types of private insurance including Medi-Cal, Medicaid, and Medicare and those with no insurance. It is available for use by San Dieguito families at no cost. Care Solace does not require a user’s name, address, phone number, or date of birth. All of the information that is entered on their platform is confidential and stored securely.