Educational Equity
Per the California Department of Education (CDE), equity is "Fair outcomes, treatment, and opportunities for all students." This is the definition guiding staff in the school setting.
SDUHSD believes that supporting the wide range of experiences among the district's students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members is essential to the district's mission and goals. Addressing the needs of the whole child and achieving educational excellence requires a commitment to equity in the opportunities provided to all students and the resulting outcomes. CDE states, "Ensuring equity in education is a necessary component in narrowing the achievement gap. Teachers and school leaders ensure equity by recognizing, respecting, and attending to the diverse strengths and challenges of the students they serve. High-quality schools are able to differentiate instruction, services, and resource distribution to respond effectively to the diverse needs of their students, with the aim of ensuring that all students are able to learn and thrive."
As a California public school district, SDUHSD follows the relevant governing authorities, initiatives, and accountability systems. SDUHSD's Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) has more information as well as metrics. The district must take proactive measures to foster a safe, positive school climate and academic achievement as well as adhere to applicable laws preventing discrimination and requiring specific supports for students.
Some examples of “differentiating instruction, services, and resource distribution” to achieve equitable outcomes in a school setting include:
- assuring that all students have access to instructional materials and technology
- supporting any students who are not performing at grade level or on track to graduate
- providing specific instructional strategies for multilingual learners
- getting resources such as meals, transportation, or school supplies for students who are identified as socio-economically disadvantaged, in foster care, or without housing, and facilitating fee waivers for college testing and application fees
- providing inclusive practices for all students on campus and in classrooms
- assuring a Free and Appropriate Public Education, implementing accommodations and services, including for students with disabilities or health conditions