Core Subject Instructional Materials
California Instructional Materials
California Instructional Materials![]()
California Instructional Materials
EC Section 60200(b)(1) calls for instructional materials adoptions to occur every eight years in language arts, mathematics, history–social science, science, and other subjects. Traditionally, the SBE has adopted instructional materials in arts, health, and world languages in addition to the four core curriculum areas. The SBE does not adopt instructional materials for physical education or career technical education.

Instructional materials in California are overseen by the Instructional Quality Commission, which also reviews and recommends textbooks and other instructional materials to be adopted by the State Board of Education. “When making their adoption decisions, Local Educational Agencies (LEA) and schools are encouraged to use the content standards, the curriculum frameworks, the SBE-adopted evaluation criteria, and the reports on each adoption as resources.” (Source CDE Instructional Materials Overview 2022)
SDUHSD Instructional Materials Information
SDUHSD Instructional Materials Information![]()
SDUHSD Instructional Materials Information
How does SDUHSD Select Textbooks?
In addition to textbooks, instructional materials might include: digital online platforms, workbooks, videos, laboratory experiments, etc. In SDUHSD, in preparation for instructional materials adoption, teachers engage in professional learning related to new state standards and/or state frameworks adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE). The graphic below outlines the major stages of this process: Professional Learning, Piloting and Evaluating potential materials, and Teacher Recommendation for Adoption, as outlined in BP 6161.1 - Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials.

Instructional Materials Adoption
Graphic Core Instructional Materials Adoption Process
SDUHSD REsources
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SDUHSD REsources
- BP 6161.1 - Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials
- BP 3270 - Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment, and Supplies
- SDUHSD 7-12 Instructional Materials List
public ACCESS
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public ACCESS
Click here for more information about Public Review of Core Instructional Materials.