Physical Education
physical educatioN in california
physical educatioN in california![]()
physical educatioN in california
The CA Department of Education (CDE) develops Physical Education (PE) Content Standards, Frameworks, Instructional Materials and Professional Development to support school districts in developing quality physical education programs designed to provide students with knowledge and ability needed to maintain active, healthy lifestyles.
“All pupils, except pupils excused or exempted pursuant to Section 51241, shall be required to attend upon the courses of physical education for a total period of time of not less than 400 minutes each 10 school days” (EC Section 51222[a]).
Course of Study for Grades Seven through Twelve:
EC Section 51220 states that "The adopted course of study for grades 7 to 12, inclusive, shall offer courses in the following areas of study: (d) Physical education, with emphasis given to physical activities that are conducive to health and to vigor of body and mind, as required by Section 51222."
The course of study adopted by local educational agencies (LEAs) must include PE for grades one through six, inclusive, (EC Section 51210[a][7]) and for grades seven through twelve, inclusive (EC Section 51220[d]). These statutes specify that the PE course of study must include an emphasis upon those physical activities that may be “conducive to health and vigor of body and mind.”
EC Section 51220(d) and EC Section 33352(b)(7) together require that each LEA offers a course of study in PE for grades nine through twelve, inclusive, that includes a developmentally appropriate sequence of instruction in the eight required content areas over the span of the PE classes offered as part of the school’s course of study. The law does not specify that every class must include instruction in all eight areas, but rather it speaks to a course of study over grades nine through twelve that includes all eight areas.
For more information, please see Physical Education Frequently Asked Questions.
overview of Physical education in SDUHSD
overview of Physical education in SDUHSD![]()
overview of Physical education in SDUHSD
Middle School - PE is required in grades 7 & 8.
High School - PE is required in grades 9 & 10.
1. PE courses taken at school during the bell schedule/school day - Letter grades are earned for completion and are included in the Total GPA but not the Academic GPA.
2. PE course options taken outside of the school day - Pass/Fail grades are earned for completion and are not included in the GPA calculation
- Grade 7-12 Option ISPE - approved eligible students take a corresponding unscheduled period during the school day and are not assigned to a teacher or attendance during this period
- Grade 10-12 Option PE Credit for Athletics - students who need PE credit for graduation may apply to earn 5 credits of PE for successful completion of a season of a school-sponsored interscholastic athletic program.
- Click here for Physical Education Course Descriptions. For additional school PE course offerings and course profiles, please visit each school's website.
SDUHSD resources
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SDUHSD resources
- Board Policy 6146.1 - Two courses (four semesters) in physical education in grades 9-10, unless the student has been otherwise exempted pursuant to other sections of the Education Code
- High School Diploma & College Entrance Requirements