High School Diploma & College Entrance Requirements
Requirements for graduation and specified alternative means for completing the prescribed course of study for a high school diploma shall be made available to students, parents/guardians, and the public. (Education Code 51225.3, Board Policy 6146.1-4, AR 6146.11)
Students shall not be required to have resided within the district for any minimum length of time as a condition of high school graduation (Education Code 51411, BP 6146.3) or Certificate of Completion (BP 6146.4).
SDUHSD High School Graduation Requirements:

Note: CA Assembly Bill 101 amended EC 51225.3 and 51226.7 to add the completion of ethnic studies, meeting specified requirements, to the graduation requirements commencing with pupils graduating in the 2029–30 school year (current Grade 7 students). Please click here for more information about Ethnic Studies.
Each student's individual progress toward fulfilling high school graduation requirements can be monitored through the Aeries Portal by accessing Graduation Status under the Grades menu. Students or parents with questions or concerns regarding graduation status should contact the school counselor.
Alternative INFORMATION![]()
Because the prescribed course of study may not accommodate the needs of some students, the Board shall provide alternative means for the completion of prescribed courses in accordance with the law.
District students shall complete graduation course requirements as specified in Education Code 51225.3 and those adopted by the Board, except for students who are exempted as provided in the board policy under "Exemptions from District-Adopted Graduation Requirements." Students who are exempted from district-adopted graduation requirements shall be eligible to participate in any graduation ceremony and school activity related to graduation in which other students are eligible to participate.
Exemptions may impact post-secondary options. Please see board policies and contact the high school counselor for any questions related to progress toward graduation requirements, alternates, supports, and exemptions.
Student Eligibility for Exemptions from District-Adopted Graduation Requirements
that are in addition to Statewide Course Requirements
Eligible Students:
- In foster care, experiencing homelessness, former juvenile court school, child of a military family, or migrant student who transfers into the district or between district schools any time after completing the second year of high school, or a newly arrived immigrant student who is in the third or fourth year of high school and is participating in a newcomer program, shall be exempted from any graduation requirements adopted by the Board that are in addition to statewide course requirements. This exemption shall not apply if the Superintendent or designee makes a finding that the student is reasonably able to complete the requirements in time to graduate by the end of the fourth year of high school. Within 30 days of the transfer into a school or of the commencement of participation in a newcomer program, as applicable, the Superintendent or designee shall notify any eligible student of the availability of the exemption and whether the student qualifies for it.
- Enrolled at Sunset Continuation High School who are determined to be eligible for the Alternate Track Option
- In year 3 or 4 of high school who are not on track to graduate after having remediated credits as determined by school team.
With disabilities
Who entered ninth grade in 2022-23 or later if the student's IEP provides both that the student is eligible to take the CA Alternate Assessment aligned to alternate achievement standards in grade 11, as described in Education Code 60640, and the student completes State standards-aligned courses to meet the statewide coursework specified in Education Code 51225.3. Please review CA Alternate Flowchart and work with the student's case manager for more information.
- Served by Special Education Services whose pathway is a SDUHSD Certificate of Completion as determined by the IEP team.
high school equivalency tests
high school equivalency tests![]()
high school equivalency tests
- Students who have reached their 16th birthday may take the California Proficiency Program.
- California approved two high school equivalency tests for students 18 years old and older, and 17 years old in some instances, for receiving a California High School Equivalency Certificate - GED® and HiSET®.
In order to be eligible to attend a community college, students must have satisfied any ONE of the following:
Reached the 18th birthday.
Graduated from high school.
Reached their 16th birthday and passed the California High School Proficiency exam.
California State University (CSU) & University of California (UC)

College Preparatory Coursework in Grades 7 & 8
- Students may enroll in high school level/college preparatory mathematics and/or language other than English classes as part of their middle school coursework. The courses taken at the SDUHSD middle schools are comparable to those same levels that are taken at SDUHSD high schools therefore, middle school world language and/or math classes may fulfill eligibility requirements for the University of California and California State University systems if taken in grade 7 or 8.
- Students who take mathematics or world language as eighth-graders are eligible for entry into the next level at the high school if they complete the suggested prerequisites.
- No high school credit will be granted for courses taken at the middle school.
For more information about college admission, please visit the College & Career page, including information about CSU/UC-approved courses at SDUHSD schoools.