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Policy Number/Name
BP 5000 Concepts and Roles
BP 5020 Parent Rights and Responsibilities
AR 5020 Parent Rights and Responsibilities
BP 5022 Student and Family Privacy Rights
AR 5022 Student and Family Privacy Rights
BP 5030 Student Wellness
BP 5111 Admission
BP 5111.1 District Residency
AR 5111.1 District Residency
BP 5112.1 Exemptions from Attendance
AR 5112.1 Exemptions from Attendance
AR 5112.2 Exclusions from Attendance
BP 5112.3 Student Leave of Absence
AR 5112.3 Student Leave of Absence
BP 5113 Absences and Excuses
AR 5113 Attendance Policies and Procedures
BP 5113.1 Chronic Absence and Truancy
AR 5113.1 Chronic Absence and Truancy
AR 5113.11 Attendance Supervision
BP 5113.12 District School Attendance Review Board
AR 5113.12 District School Attendance Review Board
BP 5113.2 Work Permits
AR 5113.2 Work Permits
BP 5115 Sunset High School
AR 5115 Sunset High School
BP 5116 School Attendance Boundaries
BP 5116.1 Intradistrict Open Enrollment
AR 5116.1 Intradistrict Open Enrollment
BP 5116.2 Involuntary Student Transfers
AR 5116.3 High School Selection
BP 5117 Interdistrict Attendance
AR 5117 Interdistrict Attendance
BP 5121 Grades-Evaluation of Student Achievement
AR 5121 Grades-Evaluation of Student Achievement
BP 5123 Promotion-Acceleration-Retention
AR 5123 Promotion-Acceleration- Retention
BP 5125 Student Records
AR 5125 Student Records
BP 5125.1 Release of Directory Information
AR 5125.1 Release of Directory Information
E 5125.1 Release of Directory Information
AR 5125.2 Withholding Grades, Diploma or Transcripts
AR 5125.3 Challenging Student Records
AR 5126 Awards for Achievement
BP 5126 Awards for Achievement
BP 5127 Graduation Ceremonies and Activities
BP 5131 Conduct
BP 5131.1 Bus Conduct
AR 5131.1 Bus Conduct
BP 5131.2 Bullying
AR 5131.2 Bullying
BP 5131.4 Student Disturbances
AR 5131.4 Student Disturbances
AR 5131.41 Use of Seclusion and Restraint
BP 5131.5 Vandalism and Graffiti
AR 5131.5 Vandalism and Graffiti
BP 5131.6 Alcohol and Other Drugs
AR 5131.6 Alcohol and other Drugs
AR 5131.62 Tobacco
BP 5131.63 Steroids
AR 5131.63 Steroids
BP 5131.7 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
AR 5131.7 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
BP 5131.9 Academic Honesty
BP 5132 Dress and Grooming
AR 5132 Dress and Grooming
AR 5132.1 Student Mask and Face Covering
BP 5136 Gangs
AR 5136 Gangs
BP 5137 Positive School Climate
BP 5138 Conflict Resolution Peer Mediation
BP 5141 Health Care and Emergencies
AR 5141 Health Care and Emergencies
BP 5141.21 Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions
AR 5141.21 Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions
BP 5141.22 Infectious Diseases
AR 5141.22 Infectious Diseases
AR 5141.24 Specialized Health Care Services
BP 5141.3 Health Examinations
AR 5141.3 Health Examinations
BP 5141.31 Immunizations
AR 5141.31 Immunizations
BP 5141.4 Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting
AR 5141.4 Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting
BP 5141.5 Mental Health
BP 5141.52 Suicide Prevention
AR 5141.52 Suicide Prevention
BP 5142 Safety
AR 5142 Safety
AR 5142.1 Identification and Reporting of Missing Children
BP 5142.2 Safe Routes to School Program
AR 5142.2 Safe Routes to School Program
BP 5144 Discipline
AR 5144 Discipline
BP 5144.1 Suspension and Expulsion-Due Process
AR 5144.1 Suspension and Expulsion-Due Process
AR 5144.2 Suspension and Expulsion-Due Process Students with Disabilities
BP 5144.4 Required Parental Attendance
AR 5144.4 Required Parental Attendance
BP 5145.11 Questioning and Apprehension by Law Enforcement
BP 5145.12 Search and Seizure
AR 5145.12 Search and Seizure
BP 5145.13 Response to Immigration Enforcement
AR 5145.13 Response to Immigration Enforcement
BP 5145.2 Freedom of Speech-Expression
AR 5145.2 Freedom of Speech-Expression
BP 5145.3 Nondiscrimination-Harassment
AR 5145.3 Nondiscrimination-Harassment
BP 5145.6 Parental Notifications
BP 5145.7 Sexual Harassment
AR 5145.7 Sexual Harassment
AR 5145.71 Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
BP 5145.9 Hate-Motivated Behavior
BP 5146 Married-Pregnant-Parenting Students
BP 5147 Dropout Prevention
Series  Subject
0000  Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plans
1000    Community Relations
2000     Administration
3000    Business
4000  Personnel
5000  Students
6000  Instruction
7000    Construction
9000    Board Bylaws