Developer Fees
Developer fees are handled by appointment only Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM. For an appointment, please contact Julie Nohre at or call (760) 753-6491 extension 5514.
Statutory School Fees
Statutory School Fees![]()
Statutory School Fees
Statutory School Fees
Currently the statutory fees for San Dieguito Union High School District are $2.72 per square foot of livable space for residential and $0.44 per square foot for commercial/industrial. Livable space is determined by the building agency. Residential square footage of 500 square feet or less is exempt from developer fees.
Questions and Answers
Q: Why do we collect school fees?
A: School fees (also called developer fees) are used specifically for the construction and/or acquisition of additional School Facilities, remodeling existing School Facilities to add additional classrooms and technology, as well as acquiring and installing additional portable classrooms to accommodate students generated by development. These fees do not go towards: regular classroom maintenance, books, teacher salaries, or deferred maintenance.
Developer fees are handled by appointment only. You may schedule an appointment by contacting Julie Nohre at or calling (760) 753-6491 extension 5514. Fees will be accepted at our office only, located at:
SDUHSD Facilities Planning & Construction Department
625 N. Vulcan Ave.
Encinitas, CA 92024
We also collect fees for Rancho Santa Fe Elementary District, Solana Beach Elementary District and Del Mar Union Elementary District. Please contact us regarding their fee amounts.
Payment is by check only, and if we are collecting for one of the elementary districts listed above, a separate check payable to the elementary district is required.
Payment is by check only, and if we are collecting for one of the elementary districts listed above, a separate check payable to the elementary district is required.
To receive specific fee information regarding your property or to schedule an appointment, please contact Jule Nohre at or call 760-753-6491 x 5514. Please provide us with the property address, parcel number (if known) and the square footage.
Questions and Answers
Q: What is Mello-Roos?
A: The Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 came about as a response to the lack of adequate financing for public capital facilities and services in the post Proposition 13 era. State Legislators Henry Mello and Mike Roos sponsored this Bill which was enacted into law by the California Legislature and is now Sections 5331 and following. This Act authorizes a local governmental agency, such as a school district or city, to form a Community Facilities District ("CFD") within a defined set of boundaries for the purposes of providing public facilities and services. A CFD is formed for financing purposes only, and is governed by the agency that formed it.
Q: What is a Special Tax?
A: A "Special Tax" means any tax imposed for specific purposes as approved by the property owners when the CFD was formed. The Community Facilities Act provides that a parcel within a CFD is subject to a Special Tax according to the Special Tax Formula.
Q: How is this Special Tax Calculated? Can it go up? How long will it last?
A: The Special Tax is based on Property Classifications of developed Single Family and Multi-Family Residential properties and undeveloped property. Depending on which CFD your home is in, Single-Family homes have a Maximum Special Tax of $800 to $1,014 per year while Multi-Family units have a Maximum Special Tax of $218 to $274 per year, except for CFDs 99-2 & 99-3 which lie within the Rancho Santa Fe School District. The Maximum Special Tax for developed residential properties within CFDs 99-2 and 99-3 is appreciably lower, at $570 per dwelling unit, as middle school facilities are not provided by the San Dieguito Union High School District in this area.
The Maximum Annual Special Tax cannot increase (i.e. Flat Tax). No developed parcel shall be taxed for more than 35 years.
Q: How do I get out of the Special Tax or reduce it?
A: It is not possible to remove a parcel from a CFD. The Maximum Annual Special Tax Rate can be reduced by 50% for CFD Nos. 94-2, 94-3, 95-2, 99-1 and 03-1; and 100% for CFDs Nos. 99-2 and 99-3 through a one-time prepayment. However, these prepayment funds must be received at least five business days prior to the issuance of the parcel's building permit for CFD Nos. 94-2, 94-3, 95-2, 99-1 and 03-1 and any time prior to the issuance of building permits for CFD Nos. 99-2 and 99-3 parcels. There are no mechanisms for existing residences to prepay all or part of the CFDs Special tax Obligation.
Q: Who administers the CFD?
A: The management and policies of the School District are administered by District staff.
Please note, the information contained in the CFD map is updated annually.
If you have additional questions or need to make an appointment, please contact Julie Nohre at or call 760-753-6491 x 5514.